潘昊,深圳矽递科技股份有限公司、深圳柴火创客空间总经理、创始人,中国创客文化领导者,Maker Faire Shenzhen深圳制汇节发起人。2013年被福布斯杂志评选“中国30位30岁以下的企业家”,并登上福布斯中文版封面。
Eric Pan, Maker and Biker, Founder of Seeed Studio, Chaihuo x.factory and Maker Faire Shenzhen. He is a Believer of open source and crowd innovations. His major effort is creating Seeed since 2008, as a technology service company to provide open hardware and agile manufacture services. Seeed works closely with technology providers to offer an open, modular and structured solution for IoT and AI. It also integrates the supply chain resources based in Shenzhen to help scale prototypes up to mass productions. With all the works done to accelerate hardware innovators and maker culture, he has been well recognized by public and industries.