At Chaihuo, we have selected a group of suppliers with high-quality materials, superior, and competitively priced manufacturing services to provide professional woodworking services for the community.
With the support of the maker community and the collection of strong domestic manufacturing resources in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Hebei and other cities, Chaihuo has selected a group of suppliers with high-quality materials, superior, and competitively priced manufacturing services to provide professional woodworking services for the community.
如您对木材加工,木工定制制造服务有需求,欢迎文末点击这里,我们会尽快跟您联系。如需对该服务咨询,欢迎通过Manufacturing@chaihuo.org进行咨询。 If you have a need for wood processing and custom woodworking services, please click here and we will contact you as soon as possible. For any further enquiries on this service, please contact us at manufacturing@chaihuo.org.

领域应用 Applications
1. 商用空间设计及定制/装饰工程应用
Commercial venue design and custom decoration applications
2. 建筑行业的门窗定制/工业品配件/防水甲板
Door and window customization / industrial parts / waterproof deck for the construction industry
3. 创客教育类产品、原型定制/定制化项目
Maker education related products / prototype customization / customization projects
4. 高级工业产品包装/专业运动道具制造
Advanced industrial product packaging / professional sports equipment manufacturing
过往案例 Previous Projects
BMX racing equipment production 小轮车赛 道具定制
Small custom wooden frame 小定制木制车架
Maker education related products 创客教育类产品
Space design/decoration 空间装饰/配件
Art installation structure 艺术装置结构件
可选材料 Materials available
可用于木工加工的材料有非常多,常用的材料有: 原木,3-25毫米桦木胶合板,7-25毫米酚醛胶防水防霉松木板等。
Pine plywood (left), birch waterproof mildew plywood (right) 松木胶合板(左)、桦木防水防霉胶合板(右)
常用工艺 Common crafts
Customized CNC processing, woodworking technology, etc.
加工费用 Production costs
Woodworking processing and manufacturing services are usually charged according to the project, taking into consideration project difficulty, labor costs and material costs, etc. The price will increase or decrease according to the amount of processing required, thus it is necessary to provide relevant drawings and requirements for the project.
If you have a need for wood processing and custom woodworking manufacturing services, please click here and we will contact you as soon as possible. For any further enquiries on this service, please contact us at Manufacturing@chaihuo.org