
2019/3/16 15:00:00
Chaihuo x.factory

免费票: 0 元

Arduino has been an undeniable force that has been powering the Maker Movement and the DIY electronics community for over a decade now. Countless projects and builts have an Arduino at their heart. It’s really exciting to announce that we will have three Arduino Day 2019 events at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen, Dongguan, and Hebei on March 16th.

自Arduino成立以来,它对全球创客运动和DIY电子社区建立的推动和贡献,用丰功伟绩来形容都不算夸张。依托这个小小的单片机,无数精彩的项目得以诞生面世。所以,我们非常开心今年可以联合柴火在深圳、东莞、河北三地的线下空间,同步发起Arduino主题活动,参与今年的Arduino Day。

For those who are not familiar with the Arduino Day yet, a brief intro might help. “It is a worldwide celebration of Arduino’s birthday. It’s a 24-hour-long event—organized by both the community and Arduino team—where those interested in Arduino get together, share their experiences, and learn more about the platform. Participation is open to anyone, either as an organizer or participant, from makers and students to professional developers and educators.”

Arduino Day是一个庆祝Arduino生日的全球性庆典,时长通常为24小时,由全球社区或者Arduino官方团队发起举办。活动对所有人开放,旨在将不同背景的人们(自造者、学生、专业开发者、教育者等等)聚集在一起,分享他们基于Arduino创作的开发经验,碰撞出更多的火花。

So all jesting apart, we’ll curate an Arduino Day event with sessions of Talk, Project Sharing and Social & Mingle at 15:00 at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen to celebrate the big day of the maker community.

言归正传,今年我们会在3月16日15:00在深圳柴火创客空间发起Arduino Day主题活动,活动会包括主题演讲、项目分享、吃吃喝喝聊聊3个大环节,希望深圳的Arduino玩家都能齐聚柴火,一起为Arduino庆生。

As we all know, Arduino has been powering up so many projects for proof of concept, many of which go to Kickstarter for the next stage. We’re super excited to have Heather, the International Director of Design & Technology at Kickstarter, one of our beloved community partners to join us to give a Talk to celebrate Arduino Day in Shenzhen. 


Speaker: Heather Corcoran 

Heather Corcoran is the International Director of Design & Technology at Kickstarter, the largest global crowdfunding platform. Based in London, she works closely with product designers, hardware startups, innovators and makers across the world who use Kickstarter to bring new projects to life. Heather Corcoran是全球最大的众筹平台Kickstarter的全球设计科技总监,她长期坐标伦敦,与全球的产品设计师、硬件初创团队、创新者和创客长期有紧密的协作,帮助他们将其创意项目落地市场化。

Kickstarter’s mission is to help bring creative projects to life – and Arduino helps makers build them. For Heather’s talk, she will share the DIY electronics projects powered by Arduino on Kickstarter, how a passion project by a single maker goes on to build a broad community through crowdfunding, and also the must-not-miss tips for successfully planning and delivering a Kickstarter campaign. 


Speaker: Crail Lyu

Crail Lyu is a maker and Product Marketing Manager at Seeed Studio. He has made more than 100 projects ranging from robotics, IoT, interactive arts to gaming and many more. Crail has an enthusiasm for making, creating and sharing, and is on the path of exploring how to make better products and make them more accessible to the community. Crail Lyu是一位创客,在深圳矽递科技股份有限公司Seeed Studio担任产品市场经理。他是DIY爱好者,自己动手做过100多个项目,项目涉及🤖️、物联网、交互装置、游戏等领域。他热爱创造和分享,也一直在探索如何更好地与社区合作做更多可以服务社区的好产品。

And in another session, we’ll invite Crail to show some highlighted Arduino projects from the community. Some of them cool, fun, meaning & make an impact. Crail will introduce these inspiring projects that we selected from the community, to give you a glimpse of the creative, vibrant and versatile community! Besides, you will get to see some of the cool gadgets, tips, techniques behind these projects. 


Last but not least, we are opening a few slots for our community members (Yes, YOU!) to show your cool project! Your projects should meet one of the following requirements:

1. It’s a project powered by Arduino

2. It’s a project from a successful Kickstarter campaign

3. It’s a project that you’d like to launch on Kickstarter 

Spots are limited, apply ASAP. Please email violet@chaihuo.org to apply! 

因为Arduino Day就是一个大的分享平台,如果你也想像Heather和Crail那样,在这里分享你跟Arduino的项目故事,欢迎通过邮箱violet@chaihuo.org来报名哟!分享席位有限,先到先得哈!希望你的项目可以满足下面3个条件之一:




 Event Details 

Time: 15:00 - 17:00, March 16 (Saturday), 2019

Place: Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen, B608, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Spots: 100

No matter you are an Arduino hobbyist, an IoT developer, or an R&D engineer who uses Arduino or related products in developing your products, a startup who expects to launch a crowdfunding campaign, or purely interested in the maker/startup/tech community, join us this Saturday afternoon at  Chaihuo x.factory! 


Special Thanks to our Event Promotion Partners



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