【赴德交流机会】德国跨界创新实验室世锦赛-南科大站|【Win a trip to Berlin】Falling Walls Lab SUSTech

【赴德交流机会】德国跨界创新实验室世锦赛-南科大站|【Win a trip to Berlin】Falling Walls Lab SUSTech

posted on:2019/9/3 14:56:12

Chaihuo x.factory has recently worked with SUStech on their latest event, the Falling Walls Lab held in Shenzhen! Do check them out! 大家好!最近,柴火造物空间与南方科技大一起合作,支撑他们举办的一个活动:Falling Walls Lab 深圳!

Hey there, Chaihuo x.factory has recently worked with our community partner SUStech on their latest event, the Falling Walls Lab held in Shenzhen! Do check them out! 

As a highlight of the Berlin Science Week, scheduled for 1 – 10 November 2019, the Falling Walls Lab Finale will gather young innovators from over 90 cities across the world. As part of this global innovation competition, the Falling Walls Lab SUSTech is to be held on 28 September. The top 3 winners will enjoy a trip to Germany to experience the exciting international event of Berlin Science Week. The other outstanding participants will also receive various prizes. All are welcome to participate in this global innovation event!

The Falling Walls Lab is an international forum for the next generation of outstanding innovators and creative thinkers. Its aim is to promote exceptional ideas and to connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all fields on a global level. Labsters get the opportunity to present their research work, business model, or initiative to peers, a high-calibre jury made up of experts from academia and business, and the general public – in 3 minutes each.

The international network of Falling Walls Labs includes renowned academic institutions from 60 countries. Stanford University, the ETH Zurich, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, and the University of São Paulo are only a few of the universities that have recently participated in the Falling Walls Lab programme.

The most intriguing presenters of the locally hosted Falling Walls Labs will travel to the Lab Finale in Berlin, Germany on 8 November. 100 Finalists will present their work in front of a distinguished jury and showcase their solutions for today's pressing challenges. All finalists win a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Conference where they meet the world's movers and shakers of science, business, and policy-making.

Who can apply: students, scholar, officer and businessman
Where to apply: https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply
When to apply: 10 July – 22 September 2019
Notification of participants: several days ahead of the event
Time of competition: 28 September 2019 (Saturday), 10:00 AM
Location of competition: Lecture Hall, SUSTech Library
Berlin Science Week:https://berlinscienceweek.com/
Falling Walls Lab:https://falling-walls.com/lab
Where to apply:https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply
Contact us:huangyy@sustech.edu.cn(SUSTech Global|Ms. Huang)

大家好!最近,柴火创客空间的社区合作伙伴南方科技大学与德国Falling Walls Lab即将发起一个线下活动Falling Walls Lab深圳,感兴趣的小伙伴,千万别错过哟。

今年的柏林科学周(Berlin Science Week)将于11月上旬在德国柏林举行。作为“科学周”的青年创新活动,Falling Walls Lab(德国跨界创新实验室)总决赛将汇集来自全球90多座城市的创新青年。南方科技大学将作为FWLab的赛点,产生3名优胜者,赴德国(其中1名参加决赛)感受柏林科学周这一国际盛事。其他获奖选手也将得到优渥的奖励,甚至天使投资的机会!欢迎你参与这项国际创新活动!

Falling Walls Lab(德国跨界创新实验室)是为新生代和下一代的杰出创新者、思想者打造的国际论坛。目标是激发和鼓励独树一帜的想法。Falling Walls Lab由德国Falling Walls Foundation主办,该基金会是由德国科学界为纪念柏林墙倒塌20周年于2009年成立的非赢利性机构,致力于促进前沿科学创新。

今年的Falling Walls Lab已有6大洲89个城市参加,参加该网络的顶尖学府包括斯坦福大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、阿卜杜拉国王科技大学、东京大学等,各地优胜者将于11月“柏林科学周”期间相聚柏林决赛。目前中国已有三个赛点——分别是同济大学、中国科学技术大学、南方科技大学。











网上发表言论请遵守网站条例,不要发表无关的,攻击性的言论. Please observe the web site of the speech on the Internet, not to publish irrelevant, offensive remarks 发表



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